Welcome to the Trowbridge Weavers Market
We’re are delighted to have you and so many other fabulous traders join for our 2022 season. Thank you, now let’s get you all ready to trade with us!
Please read the information below which should cover many (or hopefully all) of the questions you might have. However, if you need help with anything else before market day, please email us at:
Key information
Market Dates: Second Saturday of the month May-December 2022 except our Christmas market 19-20 Novemeber.
Set up: 8-10am
Trading hours: 10am-4pm
Pack up: 4-4:45pm
Location: Emmanuel’s Yard, Fore Street and Town Hall
Market Day Contacts
If you have any problems or questions on the day, please speak to a steward. They can easily be identified by their high-visibility vests.
In the event of an emergency or if you are unable to contact a steward, these are the contacts depending on where your stall is located
Emmanuel’s Yard: Tim Rouse 07377 390389
Fore Street: Stewart Palmen 07952 405892
Town Hall: Jessica Bennett 01225 774306
Covid Safety
Our actions: Despite there being no government covid restrictions, the organising committee are staying cautious and keeping certain measures in place to try and keep everyone safe and comfortable. There is plenty of space between the stalls both indoors and outdoors and we have hand sanitiser at multiple locations throughout the market.
Your responsibility: we request that you act responsibly to keep fellow traders and shoppers feeling comfortable and safe. Hand sanitiser should be used regularly. While masks are not required, we respect those that feel more comfortable wearing them.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the market’s covid safety.
Market Venues
A week before the market, you will receive an email telling you which market venue you will be in. Details of each venue are below.
Emmanuel’s Yard
Location: 12 Church Street, BA14 8DW (see map for location)
Access: parking area on Church St opposite Emmanuel’s Yard will be used as a loading zone. It is then a 30m walk from the kerb to the front door. Please unload as quickly as possible, use the stewards to look after your products while you park your car and then come back to set up. The market will not pay for any parking fines incurred. DO NOT STOP IN THE DISABLED SPACE AS YOU WILL GET A FINE!
Trader types: indoor
Stall pitches: all indoors and all on ground floor. Traders allocated 2m by 2m space. Traders must provide all their own equipment however some tables are available but must be requested in advance. Power is also available but must be requested in advance.
Fore Street
Location: BA14 8EL between Castle Street and Market Street (see map for location)
Access: from Castle street turning right into Fore Street. It will be possible for traders to drive into Fore Street from 8am until 9:45am to unload and from 4-5pm to load. Exit will be via Market Street.
Market Street will not be closed or used as part of the market during 2022.
Trader types: outdoor stallholders, including street food and suitcase traders
Stall pitches: all are outdoors and will be drawn on the ground in chalk. Suitcase traders are 1.5m by 1.5m, outdoor trader pitches are 3m by 3m and street food pitches are the size of the food van. Traders must provide all their own equipment including tables and gazebos. Power is available for street food traders but must be requested in advance.
Trowbridge Town Hall
Location: Market Street, BA14 8EQ (see map for location)
Access: vehicle access for loading is via Silver Street. Parking for unloading and loading is beside the Trowbridge Town Hall in Park Road with access to the Trowbridge Town Hall via the side door opposite the parking area. Alternate parking is in Silver Street before the intersection with Park Road. Please note that these are not formal loading zones and should be used a briefly as possible. The stewards are available to look after your products during set up and shut down. Once unloaded/loaded vehicle exit is via Market Street. Note that Silver Street and Market Street are one way. Please unload as quickly as possible, use the stewards to look after your products while you park your car and then come back to set up. The market will not pay for any parking fines incurred.
Traders: indoors
Stall pitches: all are indoors and are 2m by 2m. Some traders will be on the ground floor and others will be upstairs. There is a lift that can be used by traders. Traders must provide all their own equipment however some tables are available but must be requested in advance. Power is also available but must be requested in advance.
Operating Hours
Set Up 8-9:45am
Your confirmation email will have allocated you a 20 minute slot within the set up period in order to help the process run smoothly.
Please ensure that you arrive during your allocated slot
Unload quickly and move your vehicle to a parking location
Then come back and set up your stall and products
Stewards will be on hand to assist with unloading vehicles and to mind your stall while you park your car if you are a sole trader.
All vehicles must be off-site by 9:45am at the latest.
Pack up: 4-4:45pm
Stall holders must not pack up before 4pm unless you have a valid reason to not be open for business during stated opening times, your future bookings will be cancelled.
At 4pm, please pack up promptly and make sure that you are completely packed before collecting your vehicle. Stewards will be on hand to help with loading or guarding your items if you are working alone.
You must take all equipment and materials with you, including any rubbish and recycling. The full site must be clear by 4:45pm.
Free parking is available for traders within a 5 to 10-minute walk of all market locations. We recommend the Wiltshire Council East Wing Carpark as it is unrestricted all day and has plenty of spaces. See map for location.
There will be toilet facilities available all day inside the Town Hall and Emmanuel’s Yard. Stewards will be available to mind stalls of sole traders when necessary. See map for location.
Stall safety
You must ensure that your stall and any products or other materials remain within the allocated area, leaving a minimum of a 1 metre gap between stalls as a Health and Safety requirement.
You must also ensure that the emergency vehicle lanes are kept clear in Fore Street.
Stalls should be tidy and well-presented with excess stock and other materials hidden from view where possible. Stewards and the market team will be on site to assist you.
Indoor traders: Any tables used by traders must be covered to just above the floor to hide anything stored underneath, please do not allow the table covering to touch the floor as this creates a trip hazard. Nothing should be stuck to the walls – any banners should be pinned to the front of your tables or be self-supporting.
Stall locations have been set to maximise visibility and give the best possible visitor experience. To enable easy access for wheelchairs and buggies please do not put anything in front of your stall.
The Fire Exits and other access points must remain accessible at all times so please do not put anything in front of them including chairs.
Any stallholders deemed to be acting in an unsafe manner will be asked to stop trading until the safety issue is resolved. If the safety issue cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the organisers the stall holder will not be eligible to trade with us at future events.
Money at the market
For quick and safe payments it is recommended that you use tap-and-go payment systems for your market stall. Wifi will be available at indoor venues however as many people will be using it, the reliability cannot be guaranteed.
The market will operate in all but extreme weather conditions. For this reason, please ensure that you have the appropriate equipment to protect you and your stock from the weather – either rain or sun.
Please also ensure that you take any necessary additional safety precautions in order to keep all visitors safe. For example, gazebos must be waterproof and weighted appropriately to withstand strong gusts of wind.
Sales of food or drink
If you intend to sell any items of food or drink, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your products comply with the relevant Food Hygiene and Health and Safety standards. It is possible that a local Trading Standards officer may visit the site so please ensure you have any necessary paperwork with you on the day including allergy information and, if appropriate, food hygiene certification.
If you intend to sell alcohol, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your products meet all relevant legislation in addition to the general food and drink requirements set out above. It is also your responsibility to have appropriate licensing in place as well as adequate security and public order policies. The market will not have its own Temporary Event Notice (TEN).
Sales of skincare and beauty products
If you intend to sell skincare, beauty or other similar products, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your products are safe for public use and that allergy information is clearly provided.
Whilst we cannot control the level of sales at the market, we will do our utmost to advertise the event on the day and in the weeks leading up to the event in the town, surrounding area and on social media. You, as part of the market, can play a huge part too! Please ensure that you like and follow us @TrowbridgeWeaversMarket on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and please share and retweet our posts in order to help amplify the message.
We are excited to have you trading with us and hope that you have a productive and profitable experience. Our team will be available on the day to help and answer questions but we would also love to hear from you in terms of what works, anything you’d like us to do more of or differently. Please do let us know, and thank you for being part of the Trowbridge Weavers Market!